Monday, July 7, 2008

Well, I am a little behind the times with my blogging abilities, but I figured I would give this thing a try since I love reading everybody else's. Life at the Fort has been an eventful ride since I moved here almost a year ago. Can you believe it, I have made it 11 months at The Fort without having a breakdown caused by lack of entertainment and social life. Although this is not true for all who choose to live in my small little town of 300 people. Some resort to psychotic rages, irregular sleep patterns, and down right rude and haughty behavior. (I can explain) I have a house here, it has 3-4 bedrooms, depending on what your willing to put up with. I had 3 rooms rented to different people, some normal and some not so normal, until one member moved to town since that is where she works. The two remaining roommates don't get along because of one of the roommates sensitivity to sounds that the normal human ear cannot detect, and she blames her insomnia on her roommate across the hall. Well, she has been somewhat of a problem as far as her people skills go, and she would always come flying frantically off the handle, yelling in rage at my other roommate. I tried to work the issues out, and truly thought I had done a good job as counselor, but then something awful happened. My cousin Rustin was visiting a few weeks ago from New York, and we were having a good time in Thatcher and Ft Thomas. We had gone to Walmart, La Casita twice, the hot springs, and visited friends and family as well. On our way home from Thatcher, Rustin asked if we could play guitar hero. I said if my roommate was asleep it probably wouldn't be a good idea, but when we got home, she wasn't there, so I said sure, go ahead and play. So Rustin fires up the guitar and is playing with the game with grace and elegance, as he usually does. Then, the sensitive eared roommate walks in, whom Rustin had previously had a wonderful converstation with, so Rustin says hey hows it goin, and she replies fine and proceeds to go in her room. (I am outside taking care of some dog duties while all of this is going on) She then comes flying out of her room with the devil in her eyes, and asks Rustin "Um, how long is this gonna be going on for, because it is midnight, and I have to work tomorrow?" Rustin replies "Oh I'll just finish this one song and I'll shut it off." She goes back into her room, and Rustin continues playing for another minute maybe two at most. Then it hits. She comes out of the room and states "OK, no this isn't going to work, you need to shut this off now. I am going to bed and blah blah blah..." Rustin begins hitting his delicate dental fingers against the guitar frantically trying to shut it off, when I walk back in. He asks, "How do I turn this thing off?" I question why because I know how much he loves to play, and he says "um, cause your roommates home?" I catch on to this ridiculous scenario, and say "So just because she is home now we have to stop what we are doing?" She comes out of her room ready to throw down, but I am confident I can take her, so she resorts to words that make no sense. Somewhere in all the rage she manages to tell me that she is sure he lives here and that he pays rent here, so he can do what he wants. I manage to tell her that it is my house and he is my guest, so she is right, he can do what he wants. I forgot to mention that I like him much more than I like her, and he is more fun to be around! Then, she went to sleep in her car on some back dirt road like she normally does. Needless to say, the next day was kick the crazy roommate out day. Other than this brief episode of embarrassment and shame, life at the Fort has been pretty good.
Most normal folk around here garden and sit on their front porches for fun. We play guitar hero and go to walmart, and wave at any people passing through. It kind of reminds me of Mayberry, but not as good! I've made some good friends since I have been here, and the job has been pretty good. We just finished our fitness center and are now in the process of building a training room. I will be teaching a couple of classes at the high school, which has got to be better than teaching elementary PE (I did that for 9 weeks last semester, its a miracle I'm still here). I am still learning how to post pictures and music, but when I do I will throw some pictures of this place up!


Rustino Scar said...

karioke!!! Thanks for writing this story down. Don't worry, my version is about to come along soon as I find time to do it. I wish I could have met up with you again before I left. It just seemed like going to the lake would have been so far out of the way. :( I had fun in the Fort. Your roommate was such a doll. I am sure you are missing her something awful! come visit, please.

Cody and Danica said...

Yay Karioffkey is here! I'm excited. More sarcastic stories to keep me entertained. Now Kodi & Helen need to get one.

Tamra and Jim said...

Welcome to the blogging world, Karioffke. (BTW, I love the name Rustin gave you....he's hilarious.) Your stories are great. Thanks for sharing. I'll be stalking around again soon. ---Auntie T

Kristen said...

Are you going to stand back and take credit for that one????

Rustino Scar said...

mom. i'm not hilarious. and now you have gone and gotten princess kristen all riled up over who gave kari the nickname. Kristen gave kari the nickname of karioffkey, playing off the fact that her name was karioke, cuz she like karaoke, but was a little off key. That was all Kristen's doing. I didn't even get a full 24 hours to clarify that.

Tamra and Jim said...

Wow, my sincerest apologies to Princess Kristen!!! If I had stopped for just a moment, I would have KNOWN who and where the name came from. WHAT WAS I THINKING???? Rustin, next time, you shouldn't take credit for something you didn't do. ;o)

Hawkins Family said...

I found you:) You totally had me laughing reading your blog. I am glad you joined the bloggin world. Now we can keep up with you since we never see ya anymore since you are soo busy in the Fort:) ha,ha.

Taralee said...

Oh hello there. So it looks like I am a day late and a dollar short. It takes me a while to find blogs. (I'm the slow one of the family...I aint scared to admit it!)- ALTHOUGH- Danica is still the "special" one. :)

Brenda said...

Kari...Mama Nevitt says Hi and come have a bean burro when you are in the big city!